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Back To School Lunch Ideas

Just like that, the kids are back off to school.  It has been a crazy year so far – some of us busier than ever, some still at home working – but one thing remains the same, kids are off to school!  With the beginning of the new school term, I thought it was good timing to think about some easy, healthy ideas for the lunch boxes.

So many of our prepacked snacks and drinks contain so much hidden sugar which can be detrimental to our children’s teeth and overall health.  As a Mum, I know how busy we get and last night as I began packing the lunch boxes for today, I had a look at some easy, quick but health options to add in for the kids.  Here are some of the ones I thought looked easy, tasty and healthy.  I hope some of my fellow parents/carers can get some ideas to help them too!!

Turkey + Cheddar Roll-up – fast easy, sugar free using wholegrain wrap.
Fresh Berries  – no prep, small container and you’re done!!
Yogurt – Always watch how much sugar this contains – Greek yogurt is  great if you add some berries to it!!
Trail Mix – another no prep, quick, easy and healthy snack!

Hummus – I’m not going to lie, I did add a small pinch of salt to mine.
Pita Bread –
Woolies bakery – best wholemeal pita bread ever! How easy is that?
Grape Tomatoes –
No prep – simple!! My kids dip theirs in the hummus!! 
Cucumbers –
I slice these into sticks and again, they dip them in the hummus.
Sliced Oranges –
Easy!  I cut mine up, then use a small rubber band to hold the orange in shape – keeps it juicy and fresh 🙂

Guacamole – I have found you can buy this pre-made at the supermarket. Or make your own batch if you have the time – Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Lemon juice onion (I leave out the onion – my kids can pick up one dot of onion in anything!!).  The lemon juice will help to keep avocado from browning.
Salsa –
I buy mine!!
Tortilla Chips –
I choose the chips in the health food section.  Steer clear of normal corn chips, they have a lot of salt, fat and preservatives.
Strawberries –
Easy!  I always cover them in their own container to stop them from squishing!!


Things To Avoid:

Some of the foods I have put in my kids lunch boxes in the past have been full of sugar or appear healthy when in fact, they are not so!  I have tried to avoid the following:

  •  Dried fruits/sultanas – they are full of sugar and stick to tooth surfaces – I now use fresh fruit instead.
  • Some Yogurts – I have now become more aware of the sugar content in some brands of yogurt.
  • Fruit Juice – Loads of sugar right here!!
  • Muesli Bars – Again, some are better than others – the health star rating is helpful on the packaging
  • Roll Ups
  • Chips – Try popcorn instead.

Getting the kids into the kitchen and helping to prepare their lunch boxes is also very helpful.  Mine love it and they are learning to do it themselves now – one less task for me at night!!

I wish all the kids, Mums, Dads, Grandparents and carers a very happy and productive term 3!!
