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COVID – What does it mean for Dental Visits?

To say that 2020 has been a roller coaster ride would be a complete understatement!  The dreaded Covid virus has seen the world turn upside down!  Every business has been impacted in some way and our every day lives have also seen so many changes.  This includes us here at the dentist.  When you come to visit us, you will notice that we have made some changes to keep every one safe.

What Does This Mean For Your Dental Visits?

Since March, we have had to introduce some new protocols and procedures for both patients and staff.  We are following the guidelines from the Australian Dental Association, plus some extra precautions implemented by our team.   I want to take this opportunity to let all of our patients know what to expect when you come in for your appointments.

Firstly, the day prior to your appointment you will be contacted by our team to ensure you have no cold/flu like symptoms.  If you are experiencing the slightest of symptoms, we will reschedule your appointment for a couple of weeks time.

When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted by one of our team members who will then take your temperature.  Once your temperature is taken and shows a healthy reading, you will be brought into reception where you will be seated at least 1.5m away from anyone else.

In the dental treatment room, you will notice that our staff are equipped with the appropriate standard of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).  Once you are seated, you will then be required to use a pre-treatment mouth wash.  Once you have rinsed with this for 30 seconds, we can then lay you back for your treatment to commence.

Our infection control is second to none.  This means after each patient exits the building a full clean is done in every room the patient has been.  Our reception is cleaned thoroughly on all high touch surfaces.  Our lounges are also sprayed with high grade disinfectant after use.


It is our priority to keep all of our wonderful patients safe during this trying time.  Rest assured we will endeavour to create the cleanest, safest and most comfortable environment for you and your family during your time with us.  Remember if you are at all unwell, please inform our staff and contact your GP immediately.
