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The Importance Of A Healthy Diet

Our lives seem to be so busy these days.  Whether it is work, school, playing taxi for the kids – just life in general.  Sometimes grabbing a quick, pre-packaged meal or some take away can seem the easiest and most convenient way to get through the day.  I get it!  It is important to know that the sugar content and also acidity of some foods can wreak havoc on our teeth (not to mention our bodies in general) if consumed regularly.  Let’s not forget about drinks too!

Now, I don’t want to be the fun police – all treats in moderation, right? But when it comes to lunch boxes, quick meals and sports drinks etc, it is important to be mindful of this.  In the past I have blogged some quick and easy alternatives to sugary, pre-packaged snacks and lunch box ideas… you can read them by clicking on the link:  https://ipdentalcare.com.au/blog/healthy-school-lunches-2/

I thought I would also share this video from the Australian Dental Association.  It explains how the things we consume can be detrimental to our teeth.  Like in most videos I share, it can be a good watch for the sweet tooth in the house!



