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The Benefits of Fluoride

Have you ever wondered what that funny tasting gel is that we use at the end of your dental hygiene appointment?  And then we give you the great news that you can’t eat or drink or rinse for 30 minutes!  Well, that is fluoride.  And that is what I wanted to talk a little bit about today.

Fluoride is so beneficial in the fight against dental caries – or decay.  Not only is a fluoride treatment from your dentist recommended every 6 months, but in most parts of Australia, you will have safe amounts of fluoride added to your water supply.  Studies have shown over and over again, that this is very beneficial to decreasing the rates of dental decay.

But there are some negative lights shone on fluoride.  Many of the myths surrounding the use of fluoride have not been proven or linked to any real illnesses.  Fluoride, given in measured amounts, is perfectly safe and protects your teeth.

To explain it further, I found a really helpful link on the Australian Dental Association page.  It explains all of the pro’s of using fluoride and also explains some of the misconceptions surrounding the material.
